Height   cm Weight   kg

Ideal weight for the height 144 cm (1.44 m)

What is the ideal weight for height of 1.44 m (1.44 cm) for men and women? The BMI formula will answer this question right now. All necessary calculations have already been made below.
For a person 144 cm tall:
Ideal weight within 38 - 52 kg.
Perfect weight is 45.09 kg.

How to calculate the weight limits by yourself?
  • Min weight: height in meters * height in meters * 18.5
  • Max weight: height in meters * height in meters * 24.99

For example, for a person with a height of 172 cm:
1.72 * 1.72 * 18.5 = 38 kg
1.72 * 1.72 * 24.99 = 52 kg

Check yourself. The Height and weight combinations below are normal or not?